Time frigging flies.
50 weeks ago Rick Rubin had Tyler Cowen on his podcast and here we are with another one.
An anniversary Episode!
That episode from last October was such a place of comfort and inspiration for me and it’s done similar vibe impressions this week.
I love when Tyler is interviewed and after many weeks without listening to a single podcast (like, any), it was this episode that kept me company as I drove solo from Marseille to Basel after a family vacation.
Below I will link to the episode, share the key passage (for me) and also point you to the newsletter I wrote about the previous episode from a year ago (one of my favourite newsletters by the way).
The highlight from me below.
Last time we spoke you said you didn’t see happiness as a worthy goal. What do you see as the primary measures of a life well lived?
I think you should have projects, and work on your projects. And build them out and try to improve them. And in the process try to improve yourself.
I think you’ll end up happier that way.
I am not against happiness.
But if you target happiness I’m pretty sure that’s a disaster.
And you ask, what are generic pieces of advice that I give?
This is one of them.
Tell people about your projects.
What is like your signature product you are most proud of?
Or most interested in doing?
Does it really resonate with you?
Do you surround yourself with people that believe in that?
Simple stuff, but people don’t always think it through.
So, productivity is number one for you AND the way you feel, based on being productive is the reward?
And this includes family.
One of your projects is to build out, in some manner a successful family life.
Last Years Recap
Here’s the issue from last year that pulled the key takeaways from the previous episode. I’ve not looked at it in a while. Love that Chris DiStefano clip too.
Till next time.